How to see all TV shows and movies available in your country

If your profile language matches one listed with your country below, you'll only see TV shows and movies that have audio or subtitles available in that language. Netflix does this to make sure you're only shown titles you'll be able to enjoy.

If you'd like to see all titles available in your region, regardless of the audio or subtitles available, choose a language other than what's listed below for your country. To do this, see How to change the language on Netflix.

  • Canada: English

  • Greenland: Danish

  • Puerto Rico: English, Spanish

  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon: English, French

  • United States: English

  • United States Minor Outlying Islands (Baker Island Midway Atoll Wake Island): English

  • U.S. Virgin Islands (St. Croix St. John St. Thomas): English

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