United States

Sharing your Netflix account

A Netflix account is meant to be shared by people living together in one household.

People who are not in your household will need to sign up for their own account to watch; or in many countries you can buy an extra member slot to add an extra member to your account.

  • Add an extra member
    Account owners on a Standard or Premium plan in many countries can share Netflix with someone who doesn't live with them by adding an extra member to their account.

  • The account owner will need to purchase an extra member slot, then invite an extra member to use the extra member slot.

  • The extra member must be activated in the same country where the account owner created their account.

  • Extra members cannot be added to Netflix-included packages or third-party billed accounts.

  • Extra members cannot be added to ad-supported plans.

When starting a new account or adding an extra member, a profile can be transferred from an existing account, including recommendations, viewing history, My List, saved games, settings, and more.

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