How to pay for Netflix

Choose a plan that meets your needs and your budget. As a Netflix member, you are charged once a month on the date you signed up.

There are several options to pay for Netflix.

Two overlapping credit cards.Credit and Debit Cards

We accept the following cards, which must be enabled for recurring e-commerce transactions.

Note: You may need to enable your card for international transactions.

  • Visa

  • MasterCard

  • American Express

Virtual card, positioned in front of a smartphone, symbolizing digital it.Virtual Cards

We accept virtual cards in select markets. If your virtual card is declined, please choose a different payment method.

  • We accept M-PESA GlobalPay Virtual VISA Card

" Prepaid card with a checkmark, indicating approval or successful transaction."Prepaid Cards

We accept prepaid cards with the following logos.

  • Visa

  • MasterCard

  • American Express

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