How to use Netflix on your PlayStation

Use this article to learn about Netflix features on your PlayStation and how to set up and sign out of your account.

Netflix streaming features on PlayStation include:


  • PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4: Stream TV shows and movies up to 1080p. Titles with an HD symbol will stream in high definition if your internet connection supports 5 megabits per second or more.

  • PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5: Stream TV shows and movies up to 4K Ultra HD. Titles with an Ultra HD symbol will stream in ultra high definition if your internet connection supports 25 megabits per second or more.

Second screen

Use the Netflix app on an iPhone or iPad, or Android device as a second Screen for your PlayStation's Netflix app.

To connect your PlayStation to your Netflix account, make sure you're on the home screen and connected to the PlayStation Network.

Sign in to Netflix

  1. From the home screen, go to the TV/Video Services section and select the Netflix icon.

    • If you're not on the home screen, hold the PS button in the middle of your controller, select Quit, then select Yes to return to the home screen.

  2. Select Sign in on the Netflix home screen.

  3. Enter your Netflix email address and password.

Sign in to Netflix

  1. From the home screen, go to the TV & Video section and select the Netflix icon.

    • If you're not on the home screen, press the PS button in the middle of your controller.

  2. Select Sign in on the Netflix home screen.

  3. Enter your Netflix email address and password.

Sign in to Netflix

  1. From the home screen, go to the Media section.

  2. Select All Apps, go to Video and music apps, and select the Netflix icon.

  3. Select Sign in on the Netflix home screen.

  4. Enter your Netflix email address and password.

To sign out of the Netflix account on your device, follow these steps.

For Japanese PlayStations, use O instead of X to confirm the selection and X instead of O to cancel the selection in the troubleshooting steps below.

  1. Open the Netflix app.

  2. Press O on your controller.

  3. Select the gear icon.

  4. Select Sign Out.

  5. Select Yes.

If you couldn't sign out with the steps above, try the following:

  1. Begin from the PlayStation 3 home screen.

    • If you're not on the home screen, hold the PS button in the middle of your controller, select Quit, then select Yes to return to the home screen.

  2. Go to the TV/Video Services section and highlight Netflix.

  3. Press X.

  4. Immediately after pressing X, press both Start and Select and continue to hold them down until a message appears asking Do you want to reset your Netflix settings and re-register?

  5. Select Yes.

  1. Open the Netflix app.

  2. Press O on your controller.

  3. Select the gear icon.

  4. Select Sign Out.

  5. Select Yes.

If you couldn't sign out with the steps above, try the following:

  1. Begin from the PlayStation 4 home screen.

    • If you're not on the home screen, hold the PS button in the middle of your controller, select Quit, then select Yes to return to the home screen.

  2. Go to the TV & Video section and highlight Netflix.

  3. Press the Options button on your controller.

  4. Select Delete.

  5. Select OK.

  1. Begin from the game console home screen.

    • If you're not on the home screen, hold the PS button in the middle of the controller, select Quit, then select Yes.

  2. Go to the TV/Video Services or TV & Video section and highlight Netflix.

  3. On the PlayStation controller, press the Triangle or Options button.

  4. Select Delete.

  5. Select Yes or OK.

Netflix is available in HDR on select PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5. To stream in HDR, you will need:

  • A Netflix plan that supports streaming in Ultra HD.

  • A streaming device that supports either Dolby Vision or HDR and Netflix.

  • A smart TV that supports either Dolby Vision or HDR10 connected to your device via an HDMI port that supports HDCP 2.2 or later (usually the HDMI 1 port).

  • A steady internet connection speed of 15 megabits per second or higher.

  • Streaming quality set to High.

Netflix is available in Ultra HD on PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5. To stream in Ultra HD, you need:

  • A TV compatible with Ultra HD streaming from Netflix, connected to your PlayStation via an HDMI port that supports HDCP 2.2 or later (usually the HDMI 1 port).

  • A Netflix plan that supports streaming in Ultra HD.

  • A steady internet connection speed of 15 megabits per second or higher.

  • Streaming quality set to Auto or High.

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