Netflix Error (10002)

If you experience the error code (10002) on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, it typically points to information stored on your device that needs to be refreshed. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.

Reinstall the Netflix app
Uninstalling the app will delete any downloads saved to your device and sign you out of Netflix.
  1. Go to the home screen, then tap and hold the Netflix app.

  2. Tap Remove app > Delete app > Delete.

  3. Open the App Store and search for "Netflix."

  4. Tap on Netflix, then tap the cloud icon to get the app. You may need to enter your Apple ID password. If you forgot it, follow Apple's steps to reset it.

  5. When the app is installed, try Netflix again.

If you can't find the Netflix app after removing it, follow Apple's steps to redownload an app from the App Store.

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