Report ad issues or share feedback

If you notice an issue while watching an ad on Netflix, you can report it directly using the Report a Problem tool on the Netflix app for iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV, or on using a computer web browser. Reporting a problem notifies our content teams to look into the issue and work on fixing it as quickly as possible.

You can use the Report a Problem tool to report any of these issues with an ad:

  • Issues with an ad's video quality.

  • Issues with an ad's audio quality or volume.

  • Issues with where or when the ad was shown.

  • An ad doesn't play in the language you want.

  • An ad repeats too many times.

  • An ad has inappropriate content.

How to report issues with an ad

Report a problem using your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV

  1. While an ad is playing, press Pausepause button.

  2. In the upper right, select the flag icon .

  3. Select any issues that you're having trouble with.

  4. Select Send.

Report a problem using your computer web browser

  1. While an ad is playing, press Pausepause button.

  2. In the upper right, click the flag icon .

  3. Select the option that best matches the issue:

    • Audio, Visual or Language Issues (The ad is hard to hear, view, or understand.)

    • Another Issue (Something else is wrong with the ad.)

  4. Select any additional issues that apply.

  5. Optionally, enter additional details about the problem or describe a different issue.

  6. Click Send.

If an ad is shown that you don't think you should be seeing, or want to report a problem on a device that doesn't have the Report a Problem tool, contact us for more help.

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