Report ad issues or share feedback
If you notice an issue while watching an ad on Netflix, you can report it directly using the Report a Problem tool on the Netflix app for Android phone or tablet, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, or Windows 10 and later; or on using a computer web browser. Reporting a problem notifies our content teams to look into the issue and work on fixing it as quickly as possible.
You can use the Report a Problem tool to report any of these issues with an ad:
Issues with an ad's video quality.
Issues with an ad's audio quality or volume.
Issues with where or when the ad was shown.
An ad doesn't play in the language you want.
An ad repeats too many times.
An ad has inappropriate content.
How to report issues with an ad
If an ad is shown that you don't think you should be seeing, or want to report a problem on a device that doesn't have the Report a Problem tool, contact us for more help.