Netflix says 'Sorry we could not reach the Netflix service. (-103)'

If you see an error on your Amazon Fire TV that says

Sorry we could not reach the Netflix service (-103)

It typically points to information stored on your device that needs to be refreshed. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.

Clear Netflix data

  1. From the Fire TV home screen, open Settings.

  2. Choose Applications > Manage All Installed Applications.

  3. Scroll down and choose Netflix.

  4. Choose Clear Data.

  5. Try Netflix again.

Reinstall the Netflix app

To uninstall Netflix:

  1. Using your Fire TV remote, press Home home button.

  2. Go to the Netflix app, then press Options options button.

  3. Select Uninstall.

  4. Select Uninstall again to confirm.

To reinstall Netflix:

  1. Using your Fire TV remote, press the Netflix button.

  2. Select Download, then select Open.

  3. Try Netflix again.

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