Netflix Error NW-6-404

If you get the error code NW-6-404, it usually means data on your device needs to be refreshed. Follow the steps for your device below to fix the problem.

Make sure your device supports streaming

If you are experiencing this error on an Android TV-based streaming media player or smart TV, make sure you have installed the Netflix app from the Google Play Store.

If you don't see the Netflix app in the Google Play Store, your device isn't compatible with Netflix. You'll need to use a different device.

Restart your device
  1. Turn off your device. If your device has a power cable, unplug it.

  2. Make sure your device is completely off, not just in sleep or standby mode.

  3. Leave your device off for 15 seconds.

  4. Turn on your device and try Netflix again.

Reload the Netflix app
  1. Select More Details on the error screen.

  2. Select Reload Netflix.

  3. Once the app reloads, try Netflix again.

We're looking into this problem. To help us investigate, contact us.

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