Netflix Error NQL.22005
If you see the error code NQL.22005 on your Android phone or tablet, often accompanied by one of the following error messages:
Too Many Downloaded Videos
You'll need to remove downloads from this device, or from another device on your plan. (NQL.22005)
Download Error
You have too many downloaded videos. Please delete a video and try again. (NQL.22005)
It indicates that you have exceeded the maximum number of simultaneous downloaded titles from the same license agreement.
Our content is typically licensed in bundles of titles from individual studios and distributors. In some cases, there may be limits to the number of titles from the same agreement that you can download at the same time. We will only enforce these limits when required by licensing agreements. We are typically able to offer complete seasons of TV shows for simultaneous download, but you may encounter this error when downloading multiple episodes from different seasons.
Deleting downloads you are done watching is often enough to resolve this error.
To remove a single download:
In the upper right, tap Downloads
, then tap a TV show or movie.
Next to the episode or movie with the issue, tap the download status icon
Tap Delete Download
To remove all downloads:
In the lower right, tap My Netflix
In the upper right, tap the Menu
Tap App Settings
Tap Delete All Downloads
, then tap OK.