
For the fastest answer to your questions, we encourage you to reach out to our customer service. You can reach us via phone or chat at, or through the Netflix app on your iOS or Android smartphone.

1. Contractual partner and point of contact for Netflix members:

Netflix Services Germany GmbH
Friedrichstraße 88
10117, Berlin, Germany

HRB: 161264 B
VAT: DE 297753810
Share Capital: 25,000 Euros
Directors: Reg Thompson and Emily Catlin

2. Provider of the Netflix service and editorial responsibility for the audiovisual content:

Netflix International B.V.
Karperstraat 8-10
1075 KZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands

KvK: 62266519
VAT: NL853746333B01
Share Capital: 12,500 Euros
Director: Rob Zimmermann

We are required by law to provide an electronic link to the ODR Platform, which is available at However, Netflix will not participate in an alternative dispute procedure before a consumer arbitration board and does not have a legal obligation to do so.

If you have a request for a TV show or movie, see Request TV shows or movies.

For more ways to contact, see Netflix Corporate Information.

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