Restricted Ad Categories Policy

Ads under the following categories are allowed on Netflix, subject to additional content and targeting and personalized ad restrictions. Details on the relevant requirements are included below. Restricted Category advertisers must abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. Advertisers are solely responsible for determining whether their ads comply with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.

Any review that Netflix or its vendors may provide in furtherance of its advertising policies does not constitute an opinion as to legal appropriateness, adequacy, or compliance, and such responsibility remains with the advertiser.

Alcohol ads on Netflix are restricted to age appropriate audiences and content. Review the policy and country requirements below for additional advertising terms

Ad Requirements

Alcohol ads must:

  • Abide by all applicable alcohol laws, rules, regulations, self-regulatory codes and industry standards, including required legal notices, warnings, and/or disclaimers. See the country-specific guidance below for additional details.

  • Be promoted by advertisers who are appropriately licensed to manufacture, import, distribute and/or sell alcohol in the targeted markets. That license must be and remain valid at all times while the ads are running.

  • Include disclaimers for the legal age of consumption and purchase.

  • Include disclaimers for the responsible consumption of alcohol.

Alcohol ads must not:

  • Depict minors consuming alcohol or appeal to minors, including themes, language usage, graphics, cartoon figures, symbols, role models, and/or celebrity/entertainer endorsers intended to appeal primarily to minors.

  • Show/encourage alcohol abuse or feature binge or competitive drinking or offer a negative image of abstinence or sobriety.

  • Associate alcohol with sexual prowess; social, financial, professional, intellectual, athletic success; or feelings of superiority.

  • Suggest that alcoholic beverages have therapeutic properties, or a stimulating or sedative effect, or that it constitutes a means to resolve conflicts, or that it has health benefits.

  • Show alcohol consumption in conjunction with the operation of a vehicle of any kind, the operation of machinery, or the performance of any task requiring alertness or dexterity.

  • Promote a high alcohol content as a positive quality of the beverage.

Country Requirements


Alcohol advertisers must also comply with CONAR self-regulatory guidelines, such as requiring actors in ads to visibly appear older than 25 years old and including disclaimers about the harmful effects of alcohol use.


Alcohol advertisers must comply with all requirements set forth by the Quebec liquor board, Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ).


Netflix prohibits alcohol ads targeting France.


Alcohol advertisers must comply with the German Advertising Standards Council (Deutscher Werberat). Ads may not feature competitive athletes.


Alcohol advertisers must comply with the Italian Media Code.


Alcohol advertisers must comply with the National Health Promotion Act requirements.

United Kingdom

Alcohol advertisers must comply with regulations, including the CAP Code.

United States

  • Alcohol advertisements must disclose the corporate name, city, and state of the brewer, producer, packer, wholesaler, or importer (as applicable).

  • Advertisements for hard soda and similar beverages should clearly indicate that the product contains alcohol and should not appeal to people under 21 years of age.

  • All advertised alcohol products must be registered with the United States Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, and where required, states where such products are sold.

Dating ads on Netflix are restricted to age appropriate audiences and content. Review the policy and country requirements below for additional advertising terms.

Advertiser Requirements

  • Netflix pre-approval is required for all dating advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

  • Dating advertisers must deploy age gating for all users.

Ad Requirements

Dating ads must:

  • Abide by all local laws and regulations. See the country-specific guidance below for additional details.

  • Promote relationship-based dating, meet up and matchmaking services only.

Dating ads must not:

  • Emphasize, depict, or imply sexual encounters or other intimate situations, even if the overall service is geared toward relationship-based dating.

  • Promote or refer to hook-ups, swapping of sexual partners, swinger dating, affairs and/or infidelity.

  • Promote compensated (financial or through other transactional arrangements) dating services or sexual acts, or commercial sexual services.

  • Imply that the viewers could engage with the person depicted in the advertisement.

  • Appeal to minors, including but not limited to the use of themes, graphics, cartoon figures, symbols, colors, language, and/or celebrity/entertainers to appeal to minors.

  • Seek to wrongfully discriminate against certain groups of people based on sensitive attributes such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, immigration status, etc.

Country Requirements


Advertisers must comply with the Italian Media Code.


The advertiser must register with the local public safety commission and verify that users are 18+ using official forms of identification (e.g., driver’s license).

United Kingdom

Dating advertisers must comply with regulations, including the CAP Code.

Advertiser Requirements

Netflix accepts ads for individual films, television shows, and games with restrictions and subject to Netflix approval. Entertainment Ads are also subject to additional restrictions for special formats, e.g., Sponsorships, Pause and Keep Watching.

Ad Requirements

Entertainment ads must:

  • Comply with applicable laws, regulations, self-regulatory codes, and industry standards (including any industry ratings requirements)

  • Comply with age-ratings display requirements, e.g., legible and unobstructed display of accurate age-rating on trailer or game.

Entertainment ads must not:

  • Advertise SVOD services and titles, whether ad supported or otherwise, including by featuring a CTA to such services. Netflix may allow exceptions.

  • Contain prolonged or excessive depictions of graphic or bloody violence, including torture, sexual violence, rape, violence towards minors, cruelty to animals

  • Contain depictions of sex acts, genitals, or pornography or excessive or prolonged displays of exposed intimate body parts

  • Contain excessive or glamorized depictions of substance use

  • Promote or glamorize terrorist or criminal activities

  • Attempt to shock or disgust viewers

  • Contain content that is otherwise harmful, threatening, obscene, violent, inflammatory, graphic or offensive

  • Contain any false, deceptive or misleading information about the film and/or show

In addition, ads for games that offer gambling or simulated casino games are subject to the Gambling Ads Policy.

Country Requirements


Film and Television Trailers

Classification markings and consumer advice must be displayed in advertisements for films and games. Films and games that are refused classification (RC) cannot be advertised. Advertisements for unclassified films or games can only be placed on a classified film or game when it has been assessed as likely to be the same classification level or lower.


Film and Television Trailers and Video Games

Per the MOJ, ratings information (e.g., symbols and content descriptors), as indicated, shall be visible and clearly shown in any media that contains or promotes rateable products. In the absence of a MoJ issued or approved rating, the notice “verifique a classificação indicativa” [check ratings] shall be shown."


Video Games

Video game advertisers must comply with all applicable national and provincial laws, regulations and industry standards, e.g., games with an ESRB rating should comply with relevant Advertising Principles and Guidelines.


Film and Television Trailers

No excerpts from films referring to prohibited sectors such as alcohol, tobacco or drugs may be used in commercials.


Film and Television Trailers and Video Games

Film and TV and video game advertisers must comply with AGCOM regulations on age ratings.


Film and Television Trailers

Ads needs to obtain verification from the Korea Media Rating Board as to whether the ad is harmful to youth (for titles that have not received 0, 12, 15).

Video Games

Advertisers must comply with the Game Industry Promotion Act requiring that ads for video games in Korea must have an age-rating from the appropriate authority and the advertisement should carry the accurate rating.


Video Games

Ads for games targeting under 16s must both carry the rating and be marked as “publicity/advertising.”

United Kingdom

Video Games

Video game advertisers must comply with ASA Guidance, including the CAP Code.

United States

Video Games

Video game advertisers must comply with all applicable laws, regulations and industry standards, e.g., games with an ESRB rating should comply with relevant Advertising Principles and Guidelines.

Advertiser Requirements

Advertisers must have the requisite license(s) and such license(s) must be valid and remain valid at all times while the ads are running.

Ad Requirements

Financial Services ads must:

  • Comply with applicable laws, regulations, self-regulatory codes, and industry standards, including all disclaimer, terms, and rate disclosure requirements.

Financial Services ads must not:

  • Mislead, deceive, or dishonestly conceal facts.

  • Omit material information that the average consumer needs, according to the context, to take an informed transactional decision.

  • Promote financial products prohibited on Netflix, including but not limited to:

    • Payday loans, short term loans, or peer to peer lending

    • Penny auctions

    • Contracts for difference (CFD), financial spread betting, rolling spot forex, and related forms of speculative products

    • Credit repair, debt management and settlement services;

    • Marijuana stocks

    • Get rich quick, pyramid schemes, or financial scams

  • Primarily operate as an aggregator.

Country Requirements


Netflix pre-approval is required for Financial Services advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Financial Services advertisers have the required Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Australian Financial Service (AFS) license. The advertising of financial products and services is also subject to general prohibitions on misleading or deceptive conduct under the ACL.


Netflix pre-approval is required for Financial Services advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Financial Services advertisers must be licensed by the Brazilian Central Bank, the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), and the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP), as relevant.

Ads that deal with investments, loans and capital markets must obey specific provisions, under the CONAR's Code (e.g., respect the right of information; safeguard the secrecy inherent to the financial material).

Ads for offshore financial products and services and for investment products offered by local financial institutions are prohibited.


Financial Services advertisers that offer financing or credit to consumers must comply with provincial consumer protection laws, which impose disclosure requirements (e.g., annual percentage rate or annual credit rate, annual interest rate, cost of borrowing, etc.).


Netflix pre-approval is required for Financial Services advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Financial Services advertisers must comply with the general regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) and the Autorité de Régulation Professionnelle de la Publicité (ARPP) Recommendation on Financial Products and Services.

Advertisers must be authorized by the relevant regulatory authority, e.g., Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (“ACPR”), Autorité des Marchés Financiers (“AMF”).


Netflix pre-approval is required for Financial Services advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Financial Services advertisers must comply with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards, including having the required license from the relevant regulatory authority, e.g., Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (“BaFin”).


Netflix pre-approval is required for Financial Services advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Financial Services advertisers must comply with the Italian consolidated Banking Act and the Italian consolidated Finance Act, including transparency provisions and business conduct rules and disclosure obligations and having the required licenses from the relevant regulatory authority, e.g., Bank of Italy, Institute for Insurance Supervision(“IVASS”), National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (“CONSOB”), Body of Agents and Mediators (“OAM”).


Netflix pre-approval is required for Financial Services advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Financial Services advertisers must indicate certain elements (e.g., company name, registration number, risk of loss, caution to read terms and conditions), including having the required license from the relevant regulatory authority, e.g., Financial Services Agency.


Netflix pre-approval is required for Financial Services advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Financial Services advertisers must have relevant licenses from the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and comply with the Financial Consumer Protection Act. Ads that are misleading and unclear are prohibited.

Ads must include certain elements, such as a recommendation to the viewer to read the written terms and conditions before entering into a contract for the financial service and material information regarding the specific financial product (e.g., investment risk).


Financial Services advertisers must include requirements around displaying interest rate and prohibition of misleading information.

Financial Services advertisers must comply with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards, including having the required license from the relevant regulatory authority, e.g., National Banking and Securities Commission (“CNBV”).


Netflix pre-approval is required for Financial Services advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Financial Services advertisers must comply with applicable laws, regulations and industry standards, including holding the required licenses from the relevant regulatory authority, e.g., Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) (investment product or services), Bancode España, Eurosistema

(banking products or services), Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones (DGSFP) (insurance and/or private pension products or services).

United Kingdom

Netflix pre-approval is required for Financial Services advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Financial Services advertisers must be authorized by the UK Financial Conduct Authority(FCA) or Prudential Regulation Authority to perform regulated financial services in the UK and comply with the CAP Code.

United States

Financial Services advertisers must comply with the Equal Credit Opportunity, Fair Housing, and Truth in Lending Acts and Fair Lending Laws, FINRA, the MSRB, the SEC, regulations and industry standards and any disclosure requirements (including, but not limited to material restrictions, material terms, risk factors and qualifications).

Cryptocurrencies and related products and services are allowed in the US on a case by case basis.

Advertiser Requirements

Advertisers must have the requisite license(s) and such license(s) must be valid and remain valid at all times while the ads are running.

Insurance aggregators and intermediaries are not allowed.

Ad Requirements

Insurance ads must:

  • Clearly identify the company offering the insurance product

  • Comply with applicable laws, regulations, self-regulatory codes, and industry standards.

  • Disclose associated fees, risks, material restrictions, scope of coverage and qualifications for the products and services being promoted. The average viewer should be able to understand any disclaimers or conditions viewing the advertisement.

  • Provide instructions on how to obtain further information.

Insurance ads must not:

  • Be misleading, deceptive or dishonestly conceal facts

    • Misrepresent the terms, benefits or advantages of the insurance; the insurance claims process; coverage; or premium or fee amounts.

  • Omit material information that the average consumer needs, according to the context, to make an informed transactional decision.

  • Prey on negative emotions or stoke fear or anxiety (e.g., “if your house were to burn down in a fire, would you lose everything?”)

Country Requirements


Netflix pre-approval is required for Insurance advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Insurance advertisers must hold the required Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) license, e.g., Australian Financial Service (AFS) license, Register ofGeneral Insurance (APRA).


Netflix pre-approval is required for Insurance advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Insurance advertisers must have the required licenses from the Brazilian Central Bank.


Netflix pre-approval is required for Insurance advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Insurance advertisers must have the required licensing from Autorité de ContrôlePrudentiel et de Résolution ("ACPR”) for insurance companies.


Netflix pre-approval is required for Insurance advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Insurance advertisers must have the required licensing from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (“BaFin”).


Netflix pre-approval is required for Insurance advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Insurance advertisers must have the required licensing from Istituto Per La VigilanzaSulle Assicurazioni (“IVASS”).


Netflix pre-approval is required for Insurance advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Insurance ads must conform to the applicable guidelines issued by the relevant industry associations, such as those issued by the Life Insurance Association of Japan or the

General Insurance Association of Japan, including having the required license from the relevant regulatory authority, e.g., Financial Services Agency.


Netflix pre-approval is required for Insurance advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Advertising of insurance products is permitted only to entities or groups duly licensed to engage in insurance business – insurance company or holding company of an insurer, or insurance industry association, under the Financial Consumer Protection Act with the Financial Services Commission (FSC). The content of any insurance ad, before it can be aired, is required to have passed review by the insurer’s internal compliance officer.


Netflix pre-approval is required for Insurance advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Insurance advertisers must comply with applicable laws, regulations and industry standards, including holding the required licenses from the relevant regulatory authority, e.g., Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones (DGSFP) (insurance and/ or private products or services).

United Kingdom

Netflix pre-approval is required for Insurance advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.
Insurance advertisers must be authorized by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and comply with the CAP Code.

Gambling ads on Netflix are restricted to age appropriate audiences and content. Review the

policy and country requirements below for additional advertising terms.

Advertiser Requirements

Advertisers must hold all necessary registrations and licenses necessary from the relevant gambling authorities in each jurisdiction in which the advertiser operates. Advertisers must maintain such registrations and licenses for as long as their ads are live on Netflix.

Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Ad Requirements

Netflix permits ads for the following gambling content, with advertiser pre-approval and additional content restrictions. Country-specific restrictions apply.

  • Sports betting and fantasy sports

  • Horse racing

  • Lotteries run by governments

  • Brick and mortar casinos

  • Online Casinos

  • Non-professional game play kits, toys, and tools (eg. poker chips, at home blackjack table)

Netflix prohibits:

  • Contests, sweepstakes, and giveaways

  • Aggregators, affiliates, or odds/tip providers

Gambling ads must:

  • Comply with applicable laws, regulations, self-regulatory codes, and industry standards.

  • Include all required disclosures and disclaimers required in the targeted market, including:

    • Legal age to play

    • Responsible gaming

    • Information for gambling addiction support

  • Depict only individuals who are visibly over age 25.

  • Accurately represent the chances of winning, game odds, or prizes.

Gambling ads must not:

  • Compare odds, payouts, and games to other gambling services.

  • Glorify benefits of gambling, including implying or suggesting:

    • Gambling is a viable alternative to employment, financial investments, or a way to recover from financial losses.

    • Gambling is affiliated with sexual prowess; social, financial, professional, intellectual, athletic success; or feelings of superiority.

  • Target underage audiences or appeal to minors to include themes, language usage, graphics, cartoon figures, symbols, role models, and/or celebrity/entertainer endorsers intended to appeal primarily to minors.

Country Requirements


Permitted Gambling content: Sports Betting, Brick & Mortar Casinos, and Lotteries

Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

  • Advertisers must present proof of licensure by the relevant Australian state, territory, or national authority.

  • Ads must not target any State or Territory where the advertiser is not authorized to operate.

  • Ads may not promote an in-play betting service based on the outcome or contingency of a sporting event.

  • Advertisers must comply with all terms of the AANA Wagering Advertising Code, where applicable.

  • Ads must include mandatory taglines under the National Consumer Protection Framework.

  • Lottery ads are permitted from government operators only.


Permitted Gambling content: Sports Betting and Lotteries

Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

  • Advertisers must present proof of licensure by the Ministry of Finance.

  • Advertisers must be based in Brazil.

  • Ads must include the operator authorization number.

  • Lottery ads are permitted from government operators only.


Permitted Gambling content: Sports Betting, Brick & Mortar Casinos, Online Casinos, and Lotteries

Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

  • Advertisers must be authorized by the provincial government in which ads are targeted.

  • All disclaimers must be in the same language as the ad and in the language relevant to the demographic targeted.

  • Ads may not feature athletes, current or retired.

  • Lottery ads are permitted from government and Crown Corporation operators only.


Permitted Gambling content: Sports Betting and Lotteries

Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

  • Gambling advertisers must be authorized by the L’Autorité nationale des jeux.

  • Ads must comply with the ARPP Gambling Code.

  • Lottery ads are permitted from government and Crown Corporation operators only.

  • Ads must display one of the following warning messages:

    • "Family, social life, financial health. Are you ready to bet it all? To get help, call 09-74-75-13-13 (no surcharge).”

    • "Gambling carries risks: debt, isolation, dependence. To get help, call 09-74-75-13-13 (no surcharge).”

  • Lottery ads are permitted from government operators only.


Permitted Gambling content: Sports Betting and Lotteries

Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

  • Gambling operators must have a license to operate from the Gambling authority and a permission for advertising according to the German Advertising Directive (Werberichtlinie).

  • Lottery ads are permitted from government operators only.


Netflix pre-approval is required for all lottery advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Netflix prohibits Gambling ads targeting Italy. Lottery ads are permitted from government operators only (Lotteria Italia).


Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Netflix prohibits Gambling ads targeting Japan, including any ads referencing legal wagering, betting, redemptions, winnings, and prizes.

Ads for Public Sport, Pachinko Halls, and Lotteries are permitted by the relevant governing entity or authorized independent agency, under the following parameters:

  • Public Sport Racing - Ads are permitted by the relevant responsible governing entities or authorized independent agencies.

  • Pachinko Halls - Ads are permitted from Entertainment Business licensed entities only. Ads may only promote brick-and-mortar locations. Online play is prohibited.

  • Lotteries - Ads are restricted to government authorized draws only.


Netflix prohibits Gambling ads targeting Korea.


Permitted Gambling content: Sports Betting, Brick & Mortar Casinos, and Lotteries

Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.


Permitted Gambling content: Sports Betting and Lotteries

Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

United Kingdom

Permitted Gambling content: Sports Betting and Lotteries

Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

United States

Permitted Gambling content: Sports Betting, Fantasy Sports, Brick & Mortar Casino, Online Casinos and Lotteries

Netflix pre-approval is required for all gambling advertisers. For approval, please submit the form here.

  • Sports Betting, Brick & Mortar Casino, and Online Casino advertisers must provide valid operator licenses in each state they intend to target.

    • Sports Betting ads are allowed in the following states: AZ, AK, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MD, MA, MI, MO, NV, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, TN, VT, VI, WV, WY

    • Online Casino ads are allowed in the following states: CT, DE, MI, NJ, NV, PA, & WV

  • Fantasy Sports advertisers must provide a license, where applicable, or documentation substantiating the ability to lawfully advertise in each state they intend to target.

    • Fantasy Sports ads are not allowed in the following states: HI, ID, LA, MT, NV, ND, TX, WA.

  • Advertisers must target only in states in which they are pre-approved. National campaigns are not permitted.

  • Advertisers must maintain appropriate age verification systems and procedures.

  • Ads must include information for the Gambling Support hotline in addition to responsible gambling, age to play, and state availability disclaimers.

  • Lottery ads are permitted from government operators only.

Advertiser Requirements

Advertisers must hold all necessary approvals for their products or services in the jurisdiction in which they operate. Advertisers must maintain such approvals for as long as their ads are live on Netflix.

Netflix pre-approval is required for certain healthcare advertisers, products, and services. For approval, please submit the form here. See the country-specific guidance below for additional details.

Healthcare ads include:

  • Over the Counter (OTC) Medicine and Supplements

  • Pharmacies and Healthcare Providers

  • Prescription Pharmaceuticals, Devices and Procedures (in permitted jurisdictions)

Ad Requirements

Netflix prohibits advertisements for the following categories:

  • Virus test kits, therapies, and related products (allowed as exceptions: Covid and RSV test kits)

  • Drug Tests, Drug Overdose Reversal, Substance Addiction Treatments, Smoking Cessation

  • Healthcare Aggregators

  • Opioid based painkillers

  • Supplements promoting weight loss

  • Ingestible or topical CBD products

  • Harmful or banned supplements, e.g., steroid supplements

  • Clinical trials and experimental treatments and therapies

  • Infant Feeding

Healthcare ads must:

  • Advise consumers to follow label directions (“used as directed”).

  • Comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including those related to product claim ads, reminder ads, and help-seeking ads in permitted jurisdictions.

  • Only promote healthcare products approved by local regulatory authorities.

  • Ads may only promote the treatment of the condition for which it was approved.

  • Only promote occasional use of OTC medicines and treatment of minor to moderate conditions, and not serious conditions.

  • Only make clinically documented claims, whether direct or indirect, related to OTC and prescription drugs.

  • Indicate an adequate time lapse when depicting before and after product-use, should the product not provide immediate relief.

  • Only make health and safety claims supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence (e.g., clinical studies, appropriate consumer testing). Claims and demonstrations must be consistent with product directions. Netflix may request relevant data (e.g., adequate substantiation regarding product efficacy, safety, and claims).

Healthcare ads must not:

  • Include overly graphic audio descriptions or visual depictions of health conditions, or overly focus on specific body parts or health conditions, e.g.,

  • Surgery procedures that show blood, guts, gore, bodily fluids, or tooth decay

  • Emphasizing body parts (for example, zooming in on belly fat)

  • Showing bodily symptoms (for example, fluids or rashes)

  • Present false, misleading, or deceptive product claims, demonstrations, and depictions. Health and safety claims must be supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence (e.g., clinical studies, appropriate consumer testing).

  • Overstate the symptoms for which the product is indicated or dramatize distressing symptoms associated with specific illnesses or diseases.

  • Use words such as “safe,” without risk” or “harmless” without adequate qualification and support.

  • Imply that use of the advertised drug is a replacement for regular doctors’ visits.

  • Promote off-label uses.

  • Depict product ingestion.

  • Be directed towards children or include children (12 and under) in commercials promoting a product for adult use. (Children may appear in ads for drugs that are intended for children provided that adult/parental supervision is established)

  • Ask for any input of sensitive health data or target based on certain inferences about a condition.

  • Depict doctors, dentists, nurses or other health-related professionals (or actors portraying them) if the ads include health or medical claims.

  • OTC healthcare products may not suggest their use in treatment of serious health conditions or offer a cure for a medical condition.

  • Where prescription pharmaceuticals ads are not permitted, pharmaceutical manufacturers, pharmacies and online pharmacies, telemedicine and hospitals ads may not feature prescription drugs in the ad creative or landing page.

Country Requirements


Permitted Healthcare content: Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines; Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals; Medical devices.

Netflix pre-approval is required for healthcare advertisers, products, and services. For approval, please submit the form here.

  • All healthcare products must be registered in the Australian Register of TherapeuticGoods (ARTG). The ad must include relevant health warnings, any mandatory statements prescribed by law, and be consistent with the scope of regulatory approval.

  • Ads may not promote prescription medicine.

  • Pharmacies must be registered with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Medicare Australia, Australian Digital Health Agency, or one of the state-level pharmacy boards in Australia.

Advertising health services in Australia must adhere to advertising requirements in the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law.


Permitted Healthcare content: Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines; Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals; Prescription Eyewear, Hearing Aids and Dental Aligners; Health PSAs.

Netflix pre-approval is required for healthcare advertisers, products, and services. For approval, please submit the form here.

  • Health care products (including dietary supplements and OTC medicines), pharmacies, online pharmacies and telemedicine providers must be registered with the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Approved advertisers must comply with all ANVISA and other applicable requirements.

  • Online pharmacies and Telemedicine ads are allowed only if the provider also runs a physical establishment.

  • Ads may not promote prescription medicine.


Permitted Healthcare content:

  • Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines

  • Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals

  • Prescription pharmaceuticals, medical devices (including eyewear and dental aligners), and procedures

Netflix pre-approval is required for Online Pharmacies and Telemedicine Providers. For approval, please submit the form here.

Online Pharmacies and Telemedicine Providers must be accredited by one of the organizations listed below:

Ads for OTC drugs should clearly communicate the intended use of the product in a manner consistent with its Terms of Market Authorization (i.e., the product’s claims authorized by Health Canada).

Advertising must comply with The Food and Drugs Act (Canada) and its regulations for Rx drugs. Rx drugs must be approved for sale by Health Canada before running an advertisement.

  • Reminder Ads are permitted but may not contain therapeutic claims.

  • Help-Seeking Ads may be permitted, provided that such ads do not mention a specific drug or drug manufacturer and there can be no indication that a single drug is the sole treatment available for the described disease or condition.

  • Product Claim Ads are not permitted.

  • Ads for Rx drugs may not portray themselves as a treatment, preventative, or cure for diseases, disorders, or abnormal physical states referred to in Schedule A.1 of the FDA.

Additional Requirements for Medical Device Advertising in Canada

  • Medical devices are classified in Canada according to Health Canada’s risk-based system. There are four device classifications, with increasing levels of potential risk—Class I, II, III, and IV. Class I devices do not require a license; whereas, Class II, III, and IV devices require a medical device license (MDL) issued by Health Canada to be sold in Canada.

  • Class II, III, and IV devices are authorized by Health Canada for specific indications and they must be advertised within the scope of their authorized indications, similar to OTC drugs (i.e., must be advertised within the scope of the TMA authorized by Health Canada).

  • Medical devices cannot be advertised to the general public as a treatment for any serious disease referred to in Schedule A.1 of the FDA.

  • Comparative advertising of therapeutic claims for medical devices must be based on adequate and proper testing, and advertisements should present accurate, objective, and balanced information on the benefits and risk of the device.


Permitted Healthcare content: Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines; Prescription Eyewear, Hearing Aids and Dental Aligners; Health PSAs.

Netflix pre-approval is required for OTC, Prescription Eyewear, Hearing Aids and Dental Aligners. For approval, please submit the form here.

Prescription Eyewear, Hearing Aids and Dental Aligners are required to show the CE Mark.

Ads must include:

  • The name of the drug and its common name

  • Reference to a pharmacist's advice; visa number;

  • Invitation to read the instructions carefully and consult a doctor if symptoms persist

  • Additional caution disclaimers if applicable, e.g., age limitation, pregnancy, possible drug interaction, composition).

Ads may not promote prescription medicine.

Brand ads by pharmaceutical companies are allowed, provided that they do not promote medicines or treatments and that they don’t offer premiums or material advantages unless they are of negligible value. Ads must solely provide scientific, technical, or financial information. 

Advertising for prescription or refundable vaccines and vaccine campaigns by pharmaceutical companies is authorized but must comply with specific restrictions: 

  • The vaccine must be on a list set by the Minister of Health 

  • Include mandatory information from the High Council of Public Health 

  • Avoid focusing on price 

  • Be authorized by ANSM


Permitted Healthcare content: Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines; Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals and clinics; Prescription Eyewear and Dental Aligners.

Netflix pre-approval is required for healthcare advertisers, products, and services. For approval, please submit the form here.

  • All health care products must be authorized by the Ministry of Health or other relevant supervisory authority.

  • Pharmacies must have a valid license.

  • Online, mail order, and online medicine retailers must be registered by the Federal Institute for Drugs and MedicalDevices (BfArM).

Medical devices such as prescription eyewear and dental aligners must be compliant with all regulations, including the CE Mark.

All ads must include the following statement shown in printed letters against a neutral backdrop, and should also be read aloud: "For any information on risks and side effects, read the package insert leaflet and consult your doctor or pharmacist." [German translation: “Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker.”]

Pharmacies must have a valid license. Online and mail order pharmacies and online medicine retailers must be registered by the Federal Institute for Drugs and MedicalDevices (BfArM).

Ads may not promote prescription medicine.


Permitted Healthcare content: Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines; Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals; Prescription Eyewear and Dental Aligners.

Netflix pre-approval is required for healthcare advertisers, products, and services. For approval, please submit the form here.

Ministero della Salute (MOH) license required for OTC medicines and the ad must include a reference to the authorization. CE Mark and MOH pre-authorization required for Prescription Eyewear and Dental Aligners. Ads may not promote prescription medicine. Brand ads from pharmaceutical companies may not display any drugs or medicine in breach of the relevant rules for that type of drug or medicine and may not be presented in a way that could be capable of influencing in any manner the choice of the end user.

Ads for healthcare facilities, clinics and telemedicine may only contain information concerning the Director of the facility, their titles and qualifications, the service offered and possibly its maximum cost, which should be objective and transparent. The inclusion of any element or information that may be attractive for the end user (e.g., communications on discounts, promotions or the like, that may influence the freedom of choice) is expressly prohibited. 

Ads for dietary supplements may not attribute to the product any feature or property allegedly capable of healing any type of illness. These ads also have to display a disclaimer affirming that a varied and balanced diet is sufficient to supply the required nutritional substances.


Permitted Healthcare content: Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines; Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals and clinics; Prescription Eyewear, Hearing Aids and Dental Aligners.

Netflix pre-approval is required for healthcare advertisers, products, and services. For approval, please submit the form here.

Advertisers for all healthcare products, including OTC drugs, to have a valid license number and comply with all Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare guidelines (MHLW), which prohibits the following on ads: (i) superlative expressions on effect, efficacy, or safety of the drugs; (ii) excessive prize and gifts or provision of drugs as gifts; (iii) statement to encourage consumer’s use of drugs for cosmetic use or use as food; (iv) descriptions beyond the approved scope, etc.

Online pharmacies must have a valid license for marketing authorization holders. Advertising prescription drugs, prescription collection and delivery services is not permitted.


Permitted Healthcare content: Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines; Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals; Prescription Eyewear, Hearing Aids and Dental Aligners; Health PSAs.

Netflix pre-approval is required for healthcare advertisers, products, and services. For approval, please submit the form here.

All healthcare products including OTC drugs require the advertiser to have a valid KoreanPharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association (KPBMA) license. Medical Device advertisers may also provide the business registration issued by the city or district where the business is located. Medical Devices advertisers for the devices outlined above must provide an approval

seal by the ads review committee of the Korea Medical Devices Industry Association or Korea Medical Devices Industrial Cooperative. Advertisements for OTC drugs have to be pre-reviewed by authorized regulatory institutions (i.e KPBMA).

Brand ads and Health PSAs may not include any details or effectiveness of a specific drug or medical device within the ad.

OTC drugs are not permitted if the primary ingredients, administration method, and dosage is identical to a prescription drug. Ads may not promote prescription medicine.


Permitted Healthcare content: Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines; Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals; Prescription Eyewear, Hearing Aids and Dental Aligners; Health PSAs.

Netflix pre-approval is required for healthcare advertisers, products, and services. For approval, please submit the form here.

All health care products (including dietary supplements and OTC medicines) must be authorized by the Federal Committee for Protection from Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS). Necessary disclaimers, including precautionary notices that COFEPRIS may determine based on the potential health risks (e.g., “consult your physician”, “this product has not been scientifically proven to have preventive or curative properties,” etc.), must be included.

Online pharmacies must be registered with COFEPRIS. Ads may not promote prescription drugs.

Advertisers promoting brand advertising and health PSAs must have an advertising permit and registration with COFEPRIS.


Permitted Healthcare content: Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines; Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals; Prescription Eyewear , Hearing Aids and Dental Aligners; Health PSAs.

Netflix pre-approval is required for healthcare advertisers, products, and services. For approval, please submit the form here.

All health care products (including dietary supplements and OTC medicines) must be authorized by the relevant regulatory authority, e.g., Ministerio De Sanidad (AEMPS), Agencia Española de Seguridad alimentaria y nutrición (AESAN).

Ads must include:

  • Clear identification that the product is an OTC drug

  • Relevant recommendations as determined by the Ministry of Health

  • A description of the drug

  • Information required to ensure the drug is taken responsibly

  • An express and clearly visible invitation to carefully read the instructions contained in the package leaflet

  • The Spanish equivalent of the words: "If in doubt, consult your pharmacist" or a similar expression

  • For OTC medicines ads: subtitling and interpretation in sign language and audio description is required by legal mandate

Ads may not promote prescription drugs. Brand advertising by pharmaceutical companies that do not specifically mention a particular drug is permitted as long as it avoids any association with the direct or indirect promotion of prescription-only medicines or products. Medical devices such as prescription eyewear and dental aligners must be compliant with all regulations, including the CE Mark.

United Kingdom

Permitted Healthcare content: Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines; Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals; Prescription Eyewear and Dental Aligners.

Netflix pre-approval is required for all healthcare advertisers, products, and services. For approval, please submit the form here.

All health care products (including dietary supplements and OTC medicines) must be authorized by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) (for Great Britain) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA) (for Northern Ireland).

Online pharmacies must be registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council. Ads may not promote prescription drugs.

Providers of prescription eyeglasses must be registered with the General Optical Council. Medical devices such as prescription eyewear and dental aligners must be compliant with all Medical Device Regulations, including the CE/ UKCA Mark.

A drug can only be advertised in a territory where it is licensed. To advertise UK-wide, the product(s) must be covered by licenses in Great Britain and in Northern Ireland.

Ads must include:

  • The name of the product

  • The active ingredient (and its common name), if there is only one

  • Information for correct use of the product

  • An express invitation to read the instructions carefully

  • Comparative claims against other drugs are prohibited, but category claims are allowed if supported by evidence.

United States

Permitted Healthcare content:

  • Feminine Hygiene; Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC medicines

  • Pharmacies and Online Pharmacies; Telemedicine; Hospitals

  • Prescription pharmaceuticals, medical devices (including eyewear and dental aligners), and procedures

Netflix pre-approval is required for all Online Pharmacies, Telemedicine Providers, Prescription and OTC drugs. For approval, please submit the form here.

Online Pharmacies and Telemedicine Providers must be accredited by one of the organizations listed below:

Pharmaceutical manufacturers promoting OTC and prescription medicine must be approved by the FDA.

Ads must not feature the product as misbranded, mislabeled or adulterated within the meaning of any state’s food and drug law, the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act, or any other law or regulation, including any industry-specific laws.

For Prescription Drugs:

  • Advertising must comply with FTC and/or FDA regulations for prescription drugs

  • Prescription ads must advise consumers to consult a healthcare professional (e.g., “call your doctor”)

  • Prescription ads must make clear that the drug is available by prescription only

  • Ad creative must comply with the FDA’s direct-to-consumer guidelines (e.g., contain a “fair balance” between benefit and risk information)

  • If a drug has an associated REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy), then the advertiser represents that it is being followed

Product Claim Ads must include certain key components within the main part of the ad:

  • The name of the drug (brand and generic), at least one FDA-approved use for the drug and the most significant risks of the drug

  • The drug's most important risks presented in the audio AND either all the risks listed in the drug's prescribing information or a variety of sources for viewers to find the prescribing information for the drug (e.g., a healthcare provider, toll-free telephone number, and/or a website address)

Reminder Ads: give the name of a drug, but not the drug's uses

  • Unlike product claim ads, reminder ads cannot suggest, in either words or pictures, anything about the drug's benefits or risks

  • They do not need to contain risk information about the drug because the ad does not say what the drug does or how well it works

  • Reminder ads are not allowed for certain prescription drugs with serious risks

Help-Seeking Ads: describe a disease or condition but do not recommend or suggest a specific drug treatment

  • These ads encourage people with these symptoms to talk to their doctor

  • Help-seeking ads may include a drug company's name and may also provide a telephone number to call for more information

Ad Requirements

HFSS ads must:

  • Abide by all applicable laws, regulations, self-regulatory guidelines and industry standards. See the country-specific guidance for details.

HFSS ads must not:

  • Target or appeal to minors through messaging, artwork, promotions, prizes, creative, or other means.

  • Misleadingly, deceptively, or dishonestly represent the product. All claims regarding health and nutrition must be substantiated.

  • Undermine the importance of a healthy or active lifestyle and balanced diet.

  • Suggest failure to consume the product will result in detriment to one’s social status, public perception, or relationships.

  • Use healthcare professional or patient testimonials to promote the product.

  • Use language encouraging immediate purchase or consumption, including “Buy Now.”

Country Requirements


  • HFSS advertisers must be registered through the Brazilian Ministry of Health.

  • Food and beverages with high sugar levels must display warning phrases about the dangers of excessive consumption.


For processed food and drinks, or food and drinks containing added fats, sweeteners and/or salt, must be accompanied by a message on the principles of dietary education, from the National Institute of Health Education, including:

  • 'For your health, eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day.'

  • 'For your health, exercise regularly.'

  • ‘For your health, avoid eating too many foods that are high in fat, sugar or salt.’

  • 'For your health, avoid snacking between meals.'


Ad must provide nutrition and health claims for the food items promoted, in compliance with EU Regulation No. 1924/2006.


HFSS advertisers must comply with Food and Beverage regulations (e.g., prohibitions of any link to alcoholic beverages, prohibition to promote unhealthy habits, and a notice to the Health Ministry would be needed for the ad).


Ads may not:

  • Provide healthcare professional’s or patient’s testimonials to promote product’s consumption.

  • Promote food products with the aim of replacing regular nutrition regimes, in particular regarding maternity, lactation and old age.

  • Include references to the fact that the food product is used in healthcare centers or distributed through pharmacies.

United Kingdom

HFSS advertisers must comply with the CAP Code, e.g., ads can't use promotions, licensed characters or popular celebrities with children.

Advertiser requirements

Netflix prohibits the discriminatory use of its ad platform and targeting tools.

In support of fair access to offers of housing, lending or credit, and employment, related ads are subject to restricted access to targeting features. Please see the Ads Targeting and Personalized Advertising Policy for additional details.

Housing Opportunities

Any ad referencing, promoting, or directly linking to:

  • Offers of housing or residence (apartments, homes, condominiums, etc) for rent, purchase, or lease

  • Housing, apartment, or real estate search services or related service

Lending and Credit Opportunities

Any ad referencing, promoting, or directly linking to:

  • Offers of loans, lines of credit, and/or financing options, including auto loans, mortgages, veterans or military loans, etc.

  • Available credit cards, credit card brands, and related services

  • Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL) services (E.g., Klarna, Affirm, AfterPay)

  • Credit Score reporting services (E.g., Experian)

All ads are subject to the terms of the Financial Services Policy.

Employment Opportunities 

Any ad referencing, promoting, or directly linking to:

  • Specific jobs, employment opportunities, or internships of any duration or contract status

  • Events, services, and businesses for job recruitment or placement, including job fairs, professional certification programs, or recruiting firms

  • Job boards and job board aggregators

  • Employee experience, perks, or benefits, even without reference to a specific job

Advertiser requirements

Netflix allows ads from official government entities, agencies, or contracted service providers with pre-approval. For approval, please submit the form here.

Ad requirements

Government ads must:

  • Target within the entity’s designated geographical jurisdiction. Cross-border advertising is not allowed.

  • Focus on services or programs offered by the entity.

  • Public Service Announcements are subject to case-by-case approval.

Government ads must not:

  • Promote, advocate for, or reference political or religious content, as defined by Netflix’s Ads Policies.

Advertiser requirements

Netflix allows ads from nonprofit organizations with pre-approval. For approval, please submit the form here.

Nonprofits promoting or primarily engaging in political or religious activities are prohibited under Netflix’s Ads Policies.

Ad requirements

Nonprofit ads must:

  • Focus primarily on the organization’s work or mission, ongoing initiatives, or programming.

Nonprofit ads must not:

  • Promote political or religious content, as defined by Netflix’s Ads Policies.

  • Violate Netflix’s Inappropriate Policy exploit sensitive global events, audience emotions, or impacted populations to drive action or engagement.

Last Updated: December 13, 2024