Netflix Error U7361-1253-C00D6D79

If you experience the error code U7361-1253-C00D6D79 on your Windows 10 computer or tablet, often accompanied by the following message:

Whoops, something went wrong...
We're having trouble playing this title right now. Please try again later or select a different title.

It typically points to a problem with the title you're trying to play. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.

Are you currently downloading the title?

If the title you are trying to play is actively downloading on your computer or tablet, wait for the download to complete before you attempt to play the title again.

If the title you are trying to play is not actively downloading, continue troubleshooting below.

Remove the title from your downloads

You may be attempting to stream a title that did not download successfully. To resolve this issue, remove the title from your downloads, then attempt to stream again.

  1. Click or tap the Menu icon .

  2. Select My Downloads.

  3. Click or tap the edit iconpen icon in the upper right corner of your screen.

  4. Click or tap the delete icon trash can icon to remove the title from your device.

  5. Try to stream the title again.

Uninstall and reinstall the Netflix app

Uninstalling the Netflix app will delete any titles you have downloaded to your computer or tablet.

Uninstall the Netflix app

Uninstalling the Netflix app will delete any titles you have downloaded to the device.
  1. From the Start menu, type Netflix.

  2. Right-click on or tap and hold the Netflix app.

  3. A popup will appear. Select Uninstall.

  4. Select Uninstall again.

Reinstall the Netflix app

  1. From the Start menu, select Store.

  2. Select Search from the upper right corner of the screen.

  3. Type Netflix in the search box and press Enter.

  4. Select Netflix from the results.

  5. Select Install.

    • If you are prompted to sign in, sign in with your Microsoft information.

  6. Once installation is complete, launch the app and try Netflix again.

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