Netflix Error U7361-1253-C00D36B4

If you experience the error code U7361-1253-C00D36B4 on your Windows 10 computer, it's typically caused by an issue with your computer's audio drivers. Follow the troubleshooting steps for your device below to resolve the issue.

Are you using a TV as a monitor?

Sometimes using a TV as an external monitor for your computer can cause this issue.

  • Disconnect your computer from your TV and play your TV show or movie again. If you are able to play without problems, check your TV owner's manual or manufacturer support website for information on using your TV as a computer monitor.

Disable audio enhancements

  1. From the Windows Start menu on your computer, click Settings settings gear icon.

  2. Click System.

  3. From the lefthand side, click Sound.

  4. At the top-right, click Sound Control Panel.

  5. In the Sound window that opens, click the device with a green check mark.

  6. Click Properties.

  7. Click the Enhancements tab.

  8. Make sure Disable all enhancements is turned on.

    • If you don't see the Enhancements tab, or if Disable all enhancements is already turned on, continue to the next step below.

Install the Windows Media Feature Pack

If you are using the Windows 10 N or Windows 10 KN edition, we suggest downloading the Windows Media Feature Pack. Once the download is complete, restart your computer and try Netflix again. You can verify which Windows Edition you're on by searching for About your PC in Windows.

If you do not see a Windows Media Feature Pack for your version of Windows 10, please contact Microsoft for help determining which Windows Media Feature Pack is right for your computer.

Make sure your video drivers are up to date

You may need to update your computer's video driver, or install a video driver supported by Windows 10.

Netflix Customer Service can't help with these steps. If you aren't comfortable doing them by yourself, contact your computer's manufacturer for help.

  • If your computer uses a graphics card or GPU, use the software that was installed with the card to update its video driver.

    AMD and NVIDIA are the most common producers of GPUs and GPU software.
  • If an update didn't work or there were no updates available, uninstall the driver and reinstall it.

  • If there is no video driver for your computer that is supported by Windows 10, try playing Netflix with a different device or browser, like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera.

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