Netflix Error F7361-1253

If you experience the error code F7361-1253 on your computer, it typically points to a connectivity issue. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.

Public networks:

For Wi-Fi in places like a café, hotel, or school, ask if video services like Netflix are blocked.

Private networks:

Check if your connection is slower than our recommended speeds and contact your internet service provider if you need help.

Connections like mobile hotspots, cellular, or satellite networks might be too slow to use Netflix.

  1. Quit your browser.

  2. Reopen your browser.

  3. Try Netflix again.

  1. In the upper right corner of the browser, click More.

  2. Click Settings, then scroll down to Firefox Updates.

  3. Click Restart to Update Firefox. If you see the message "Firefox is up to date," your browser is already on the latest version.

  4. Try Netflix again.

If you have trouble updating Firefox or get an Update Failed error, follow Mozilla's steps to fix a software update issue.

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