Netflix Error 113

If you see the error code 113 on your Apple TV, often accompanied by one of the following messages:

Sorry, we had trouble logging you in.

Your Netflix account name or password couldn't be verified. Please try again. Go to for more information.

It usually means there's an issue with your sign-in information. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.

Make sure the email shown on your TV is correct. If it isn't, click Previous to go back and fix it.

Enter your password again, keeping in mind that Netflix passwords are case-sensitive. Click the arrow on the screen to change between upper and lower case letters. Click Show Password to see your password and confirm it is correct.

You might need to reset your password. Go to How to change or reset your password to do this.

Illustration of a TV with a power button symbol, a power strip, and a 15-second timer, suggesting a restart device process

  1. Turn off your device. If your device has a power cable, unplug it.

  2. Make sure your device is completely off, not just in sleep or standby mode.

  3. Leave your device off for 15 seconds.

  4. Turn on your device and try Netflix again.

Delete Netflix

  1. On the Apple TV home screen, highlight the Netflix app.

  2. Press and hold the center of your remote's touch surface or clickpad ring until the Netflix app starts to wiggle.

  3. Press the Play/Pause button to delete the app.

  4. Select Delete to confirm.

Reinstall Netflix

  1. On the Apple TV home screen, open the App Store.

  2. Search for "Netflix" to find the app, then select Install.

  3. Try Netflix again.

  1. Go to the home screen, then select Settings.

  2. Select System > Software Updates > Update Software.

  3. If available, select Download and Install. If you don't see this option your device is already up to date.

  4. Try Netflix again.

Note:These steps might be different for your model of Apple TV. Go to Apple's support site for steps to update your Apple TV software.

These steps will erase your Apple TV, reset saved settings, and clear data stored on your device, such as your Netflix login and your Wi-Fi name and password. Make sure to have this information ready, and follow these steps only if other steps haven't fixed the issue.

To fix the problem:

  1. Follow Apple's steps to reset or restore your Apple TV to its factory settings.

  2. After resetting your Apple TV and finishing the initial setup, try Netflix again.

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