Netflix Error 10016-22005
If you get this error on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, usually with this message:
You'll need to remove downloads from this device, or from another device on your plan. For more info, go to (10016-22005)
It means you’ve reached the limit of how many downloads you can have from a studio or distributor. Some studio or distributor license agreements set a limit on how many downloads you can have at once.
Deleting the downloads you’re done watching is usually enough to fix this error.
Delete a single TV show or movie
In the upper right, tap Downloads
, then tap a TV show or movie.
Next to the episode or movie with the issue, tap the download status icon
Tap Delete Download
Delete all downloads
In the lower right, tap My Netflix
In the upper right, tap the Menu
Tap App Settings
Tap Delete All Downloads
, then tap Delete.