Netflix Error S7363-1260-FFFFD089

If you experience the error code S7363-1260-FFFFD089 on your Mac computer, it typically points to information stored on your browser that needs to be refreshed. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.

  1. Shut down your computer through the menu:

    • Mac: In the upper left, click the Apple menu, then click Shut Down.

    • Windows: Click the Start menu, then click Power > Shut down.

    • Chromebook: In the bottom right, click the time, then click Sign out > Shut down.

  2. Leave your computer off for at least 10 seconds.

  3. Turn it back on, then try Netflix again.

Close media players such as YouTube, iTunes, and QuickTime.

  1. In the upper left corner of the screen, select the Apple icon.

  2. Select Force Quit.

  3. Select any media players that are still running and select Force Quit.

  4. Quit Safari, then restart it.

  5. Try Netflix again.

  1. In the upper left corner of your browser, go to the Safari menu.

  2. Select Preferences.

  3. Select Privacy.

  4. Under Cookies and website data, select Details or Manage Website Data.

  5. Search for Netflix.

  6. Select Remove.

  7. Select Remove Now.

  8. After the Netflix website data has been deleted, force-quit Safari and try Netflix again.

To force-quit Safari:

  1. In the upper left corner of your browser, select the Apple icon.

  2. Select Force Quit.

  3. Select Safari.

  4. Select Force Quit.

  5. Confirm your selection.

  6. Try Netflix again.

To continue watching Netflix, open a different browser or use another Netflix-supported device.

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