Netflix Error U7361-1253-80070057

If you get the error code U7361-1253-80070057 on your Windows 10 computer, it's usually due to an issue with stored information or settings on the device. Follow the steps below to fix the issue.

Disable audio enhancements

  1. From the Windows Start menu on your computer, click Settings settings gear icon.

  2. Click System.

  3. From the lefthand side, click Sound.

  4. At the top-right, click Sound Control Panel.

  5. In the Sound window that opens, click the device with a green check mark.

  6. Click Properties.

  7. Click the Enhancements tab.

  8. Make sure Disable all enhancements is turned on.

    • If you don't see the Enhancements tab, or if Disable all enhancements is already turned on, continue to the next step below.

What to do next

We're researching this error. To help us investigate, please contact Netflix Customer Service.

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