Netflix says 'You have too many downloaded videos. (VC2-CV2-M1-B23000)'

If you see an error that says

Download Error
You have too many downloaded videos. Please delete a video and try again (VC2-CV2-M1-B23000).

It indicates that you have exceeded the maximum number of devices that can store downloaded titles at the same time. You can use 1, 2, or 4 devices to download titles, depending on your plan. To download to a new device, you can either remove downloaded titles from an existing device or upgrade your streaming plan.

If you are done using a device to watch downloaded titles, you’ll want to delete those titles from the device. After deleting all downloaded titles from the device, connect to the internet and launch the Netflix app. This lets our systems see that the device is no longer being used to watch downloaded content, and allows you to download titles on a new device.

If a device has been lost or destroyed, or is otherwise unable to connect to Netflix, the device will automatically expire after 30 days and you will be able to download titles on another device.

If you want to store downloaded titles on more devices, you can change to a supported plan. Our plans allow you to both stream content and store downloaded titles on 1, 2, or 4 devices at the same time.

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