Netflix Error H3-U7135-1103-403

If you experience the error code H3-U7135-1103-403 on your Windows 10 computer, often accompanied by the following message:

Sorry, there was a problem communicating with Netflix. Please try again.

It typically points to a connectivity issue that is preventing your device from reaching the Netflix service. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.

Sign in on another device

To pinpoint your issue, sign in to Netflix on a different device using the same network as your computer.

If you are already signed in to another device, first sign out of Netflix, then sign in again.
  • If you see an error when you sign in or try to watch on that device, it means we can't connect your account to the Netflix service right now. Please try again later.

  • If you don't see an error but can't watch on that device, contact customer service.

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