Netflix says 'Please sign in again.'

If you see an error that says

Please sign in again.
You have been signed out because your account information changed.

It typically points to information stored on your device that needs to be refreshed. Follow the troubleshooting steps for your device below to resolve the issue.

iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Update your iOS version

Follow Apple's steps to update your device to the latest version, then try Netflix again.

Update the Netflix app

  1. Go to the home screen, then tap App Store.

  2. Tap Search, and enter "Netflix".

  3. In the list, find and tap Netflix, then tap Update. You may need to enter your Apple ID password. If you forgot it, follow Apple's steps to reset it.

  4. When the update is done, try Netflix again.

All other devices

We're looking into this problem. To help us investigate, contact us.

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