Netflix Error tvq-pb-101 (2.10.5006)

If you experience the error code tvq-pb-101 (2.10.5006), often accompanied by the following message:

Your Netflix account is in use on too many devices. Please stop playing on other devices to continue. Visit for more information.

Your Netflix account has reached the maximum number of active streams. Follow the troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue.

  • On a different device using your account, stop playing Netflix or close the Netflix app. If you don't know which devices on your account might be playing Netflix at the same time, you can check which devices recently watched.

    After stopping Netflix on a different device, you may need to wait 5-10 minutes before you can watch on your device.
  • Or, upgrade your Netflix plan to allow more devices to watch at the same time (up to 4 with the Premium plan).

If your Netflix account is being used without permission, you can stop someone from using your account.

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