Netflix says, 'Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.'

You may get this error message while using Netflix.

Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.

This error message is common and usually fixes itself after a short time. If the error persists, these troubleshooting steps can often fix the problem.

What were you trying to do when the error happened?

If you got this error while trying sign in to Netflix, there might be an issue with your device, network connection, or your Netflix password.

To fix the problem, follow these steps in order. After each step, try Netflix again.

  1. Turn off your device.

    Note:If you aren't sure your device is completely off, or if you can't find a power button, then unplug the power cable.

  2. Leave your device off for at least 30 seconds.

  3. Turn on your device and try Netflix again.

  1. Go to This will sign you out of your account.

  2. Select Sign In and enter your Netflix email and password.

  3. Try Netflix again.

  1. Turn off your device, then unplug your modem and router from power.

  2. After 30 seconds, plug in your modem and router.

  3. Wait 1 minute, then turn on your device.

  4. Try Netflix again.

Note:Some devices, modems, and routers might take longer to reconnect to the Internet.

There might be an issue with network settings on your device or your modem or router.

Try these steps. After each step, try Netflix again.

Note:For help doing these steps, you might need to contact the company that made your device, your internet service provider (ISP), or VPN provider.

  1. If you use a VPN, try turning it off.

  2. Reset the network settings on the device with the issue.

  3. Restore your modem or router to its default settings.

You might need to reset your password. Go to How to change or reset your password to do this.

If you use an Apple TV:

Delete Netflix

  1. On the Apple TV home screen, highlight the Netflix app.

  2. Press and hold the center of your remote's touch surface or clickpad ring until the Netflix app starts to wiggle.

  3. Press the Play/Pause button to delete the app.

  4. Select Delete to confirm.

Reinstall Netflix

  1. On the Apple TV home screen, open the App Store.

  2. Search for "Netflix" to find the app, then select Install.

  3. Try Netflix again.

If you've tried the steps above and still get this error, it means there's a temporary problem with your request at this time. Please wait at least 24 hours, then try again.

If you got this error trying to pay for Netflix, there might be an issue with your payment method, web browser, or bank.

To fix the problem, follow these steps in order. After each step, try Netflix again.

This error might appear if there's something wrong with your payment method. You might need to contact your bank or financial institution for help with these steps.

Before trying again, check for these common issues:

  • On your screen, make sure your payment information has been entered correctly.

  • Make sure your payment method is still valid and up-to-date.

  • Make sure your payment method has sufficient funds.

  1. Go to This will sign you out of your account.

  2. Select Sign In and enter your Netflix email and password.

  3. Try Netflix again.

There might be an issue with network settings on your device or your modem or router.

Try these steps. After each step, try Netflix again.

Note:For help doing these steps, you might need to contact the company that made your device, your internet service provider (ISP), or VPN provider.

  1. If you use a VPN, try turning it off.

  2. Reset the network settings on the device with the issue.

  3. Restore your modem or router to its default settings.

Try again with the browser on your mobile phone or tablet, or try a different browser, like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

If you've tried the steps above and still get the error, we can help.

Please contact us to chat or speak with someone from our team.

If the error appeared while you were trying to reset your Netflix password, there might be an issue with your browser or Netflix account.

To fix the problem, follow these steps in order. After each step, try Netflix again.

  1. Go to This will sign you out of your account.

  2. Select Sign In and enter your Netflix email and password.

  3. Try Netflix again.

There might be an issue with network settings on your device or your modem or router.

Try these steps. After each step, try Netflix again.

Note:For help doing these steps, you might need to contact the company that made your device, your internet service provider (ISP), or VPN provider.

  1. If you use a VPN, try turning it off.

  2. Reset the network settings on the device with the issue.

  3. Restore your modem or router to its default settings.

Try again with the browser on your mobile phone or tablet, or try a different browser, like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

If you've tried the steps above and still get this error, it means there's a temporary problem with your request at this time. Please wait at least 24 hours, then try again.

If you got this error trying to update your Netflix account information, there might be an issue with your browser or network connection.

To fix the problem, follow these steps in order. After each step, try Netflix again.

  1. Go to This will sign you out of your account.

  2. Select Sign In and enter your Netflix email and password.

  3. Try Netflix again.

There might be an issue with network settings on your device or your modem or router.

Try these steps. After each step, try Netflix again.

Note:For help doing these steps, you might need to contact the company that made your device, your internet service provider (ISP), or VPN provider.

  1. If you use a VPN, try turning it off.

  2. Reset the network settings on the device with the issue.

  3. Restore your modem or router to its default settings.

Try again with the browser on your mobile phone or tablet, or try a different browser, like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

If you've tried the steps above and still get this error, it means there's a temporary problem with your request at this time. Please wait at least 24 hours, then try again.

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